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Somerville, MA

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(617) 629-2600

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When Should You See a Chiropractor?

You may know it's good to see a chiropractor after an auto accident or sports injury, but there are plenty of other moments when a visit to a chiropractor could keep you from keeling over in pain. In a previous blog post, we wrote that going to your Somerville chiropractor after a dental appointment, after a hair salon appointment and when you’re first feeling signs and symptoms of a cold or flu were important times to re-align your vertebrae. Here are additional times you might not consider going, but could still make a difference:

Go to the Chiropractor After You Slip or Fall

Slipping and falling jars your spine and all the muscles surrounding it. It’s easy to end up with a spinal misalignment. You’ll find that you needed the chiropractic manipulation after the appointment!

Go to the Chiropractor After You Bang Your Head

Banging your head can make you dizzy! It can injure your spine and the delicate anatomical structures around the spine. The sooner you receive a neck adjustment from your chiropractor, the sooner your symptoms of stiffness, neck pain, headache, and dizziness will be relieved.

Your Chiropractor Has Solutions for Repetitive Motion Injuries

Your chiropractor is the expert in musculoskeletal disorders – disorders affecting the bones, muscles, joints, tendons, ligaments and connective tissue. Repetitive motion injuries are an injury to these tissues. Go to the expert when you develop these types of injuries.

If you're searching for a way to efficiently resolve pain, and prevent it from resurfacing, contact Dr. Cordima in Somerville today.
